General Information
Berke-Weiss Law PLLC is nationally ranked in 1 practice areas and metro ranked in 3 practice areas. Best Law Firms rankings are based on a rigorous evaluation process.
Read how Best Law Firms ranks firmsNational Rankings
Tier 3
Tier 3 for Employment Law - Management
Metro Rankings
New York City
Tier 2 for Employment Law - Individuals
Tier 2 for Employment Law - Management
Tier 2 for Labor Law - Management
National Rankings
Tier 3
Tier 3 for Employment Law - Management
Regional Rankings
New York City
Tier 2 for Employment Law - Individuals
Tier 2 for Employment Law - Management
Tier 2 for Labor Law - Management
Practice Areas
The below are areas of legal specialty volunteered by the firm and do not designate a specialty in which a Best Law Firms ranking is held.
- Employment Law - Individuals
- Employment Law - Management
- Labor Law - Management
Individuals Recognized in The Best Lawyers in America®
Berke-Weiss Law PLLC has 1 lawyers recognized for individual performance in the 2025 edition of The Best Lawyers in
By receiving this Best Lawyers recognition from their peers for their professional excellence, these lawyers made Berke-Weiss Law PLLC eligible for evaluation for Best Law Firms rankings.
For almost two decades, Best Lawyers has awarded these singular accolades, making them the foundation of our Best Law Firms awards.
Read more about our Best Lawyers process here.
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Office Locations
New York,
150 East 52nd Street, Suite 21002
New York, NY 10022
United States
Call our New York, NY location at 212-888-2680
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Get directions to our New York, NY location