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Fragomen is a leading firm dedicated exclusively to immigration services worldwide. Our firm is composed of law practices and immigration consultancies that work together to support our clients in Australia and across all regions globally. Fragomen has more than 4,000 employees in more than 50 offices worldwide, including offices in Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney. In total, Fragomen offers support in more than 170 countries.

Our Australia entity, Fragomen (Australia) Pty Limited, is an Australian law firm focused solely on immigration. We have been providing immigration services on-the-ground in Australia for more than 15 years and have a deep understanding of the complexities of Australian immigration law and the impact changes in legislation and government policy have across different industries.

Fragomen supports all aspects of global immigration, including strategic planning, efficiency, quality management, compliance, government relations, reporting, and case management and processing. These capabilities allow the firm to represent a broad range of companies, organizations and individuals, working in partnership with clients to facilitate the transfer of employees worldwide.

Fragomen’s professionals are respected thought leaders in the immigration field. They contribute to conferences and seminars around the world, and author books and other publications that are relied on as standard references by other immigration professionals. Many of Fragomen’s professionals have prior experience working in government agencies and in-house corporate immigration departments, allowing Fragomen to advance strategies for world-class immigration program management.

For detailed information about Fragomen, please visit www.fragomen.com.


Fragomen (Australia) Pty Ltd. is nationally ranked in 1 practice areas and regionally awarded in 1 practice areas. Best Law Firms rankings are based on a rigorous evaluation process.

Read how Best Law Firms ranks firms

National Rankings

Tier 1
Tier 1 for Immigration Law

Regional Rankings

Tier 2 for Immigration Law
Tier 1 for Immigration Law
Tier 1 for Immigration Law


National Rankings

Tier 1
Tier 1 for Immigration Law

Regional Rankings

Tier 2 for Immigration Law
Tier 1 for Immigration Law
Tier 1 for Immigration Law

Practice Areas

The below are areas of legal specialty volunteered by the firm and do not designate a specialty in which a Best Law Firms ranking is held.
  • Business Visas
  • Consular Processing
  • Immigration
  • Immigration Law

Individuals Recognized in The Best Lawyers in Australia

Fragomen (Australia) Pty Ltd. has 3 lawyers recognized for individual performance in the 2025 edition of The Best Lawyers in Australia. By receiving this Best Lawyers recognition from their peers for their professional excellence, these lawyers made Fragomen (Australia) Pty Ltd. eligible for evaluation for Best Law Firms rankings. For almost two decades, Best Lawyers has awarded these singular accolades, making them the foundation of our Best Law Firms awards. Read more about our Best Lawyers process here.
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Management and Personnel

Managing Partner of Fragomen’s Australia-New Zealand practice
Teresa Liu


Managing Partner of Fragomen’s Australia-New Zealand practice
Teresa Liu +61 2 8224 8518
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