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Marler Clark Inc., PS

United States 2025

General Information

Year founded: 1998
This is the year the firm (or its earliest predecessor entity) was founded.
Logo for Marler Clark Inc., PS


Content is provided by the firm.

Marler Clark was established in 1998 by the top attorneys for the plaintiffs and defendants in the landmark litigation arising from the 1993 Jack in the Box E. coli O157:H7 outbreak. The firm has since become the nation’s leading law firm representing victims of foodborne illness outbreaks across the country.

The 2011 book, Poisoned: The True Story of the Deadly E. coli Outbreak that Changed the Way Americans Eat, chronicles the Jack in the Box outbreak and Bill’s role in a case that would change history. The book, by investigative author Jeff Benedict, received critical acclaim.

In 2023, Poisoned: The Dirty Truth About Your Food, was released as a documentary on Netflix. This film tells the story of the Jack in the Box outbreak, interviewing Bill Marler about his experience and perspective about the shortcomings in food safety practices and policy in the United States.

The Marler Clark food safety attorneys have recovered over $850 million for victims of foodborne illnesses such as Campylobacter, E. coli O157:H7, Hepatitis A, Listeria, Norovirus, Salmonella, and Campylobacter outbreaks across the country. Bill Marler and the other attorneys at Marler Clark also spend a significant amount of time travelling to speak to government groups, academia, and industry on food safety issues.

While foodborne illness litigation has been the focus of the firm’s practice, Marler Clark’s attorneys have represented injured persons in other cases for injuries resulting from defective products, automobile accidents, and nursing home negligence. The firm has successfully resolved high-profile personal injury cases throughout the United States, achieving some of the largest settlements and verdicts on behalf of our clients.


Marler Clark Inc., PS is metro ranked in 2 practice areas. Best Law Firms rankings are based on a rigorous evaluation process.

Read how Best Law Firms ranks firms

Metro Rankings

Tier 1 for Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs
Tier 1 for Product Liability Litigation - Plaintiffs


Regional Rankings

Tier 1 for Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs
Tier 1 for Product Liability Litigation - Plaintiffs

Practice Areas

The below are areas of legal specialty volunteered by the firm and do not designate a specialty in which a Best Law Firms ranking is held.
  • Food-Borne Illness
  • Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs
  • Product Liability Litigation - Plaintiffs

Individuals Recognized in The Best Lawyers in America®

Marler Clark Inc., PS has 1 lawyers recognized for individual performance in the 2025 edition of The Best Lawyers in America®. By receiving this Best Lawyers recognition from their peers for their professional excellence, these lawyers made Marler Clark Inc., PS eligible for evaluation for Best Law Firms rankings. For almost two decades, Best Lawyers has awarded these singular accolades, making them the foundation of our Best Law Firms awards. Read more about our Best Lawyers process here.
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Client Comments

All client comments represent the opinions of the people who provided them. All potential clients are urged to remember that no two cases are ever completely alike and that the result in one case does not guarantee a similar result in another case.
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Awards are self-reported by firms and are not verified by the Best Law Firms rankings.
  • Seattle University Professional Achievement Award
  • KCBA Outstanding Lawyer Award
  • NSF Food Safety leadership Award
  • Washington Association for Justice Public Justice
  • Seattle University Distinguished Law Graduate Award

Main Location

Management and Personnel

William D


Foodborne Illness Litigation
Ilana Korchia 206-346-1888
Foodborne Illness Litigation
Bruce Clark 206-346-1891
Foodborne Illness Litigation
Drew Falkenstein 206-346-1876
Foodborne Illness Litigation
William "Bill" Marler 206-346-1890
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