Frequently Asked Questions

To be eligible to participate in the Best Law Firms research process in Spain, a firm must have at least one lawyer who has received a high enough peer review to be recognized in the current edition of The Best Lawyers in Spain in a Best Law Firms awarded specialty. Firms are eligible for awards in the practice areas and jurisdictions where the firm already has individual lawyer recognitions. Eligible firms are invited to participate in the research submission process.
Our research and announcement timeline is available here. Feel free to contact us at anytime for questions on our research cycle.
Best Law Firms rankings are based on client/professional reference feedback, firm background information provided by firms, industry leader interviews and feedback collected on individual lawyers through The Best Lawyers in Spain research process. Our rigorous process allows us to evaluate firms through the people who know them best — their clients, professional references and practicing lawyers who share practice areas or geographic regions with the firms in question. This provides the most accurate representation of the firm’s work and standing within the legal community.
Submitted clients/professional references are asked to provide feedback via a brief survey on the firm’s performance in a particular area of law and geographic region, in six primary areas: expertise, responsiveness, understanding of a business and its needs, cost-effectiveness, integrity and recommendability.
Best Lawyers awards are evaluated independently and will continue to be compiled according to our annual Purely Peer Review survey.
No, there are no fees to be considered for or receive a ranking.
The complete list of awardable practice areas is available online.
The rankings will be published on the Best Law Firms website in May 2025.
Law firms may designate a point of contact—or multiple contacts—to receive communications related to Best Lawyers and Best Law Firms initiatives. Please contact us at to be added as a contact for your firm.
For information on licensing the Best Law Firms badge, advertising and other marketing opportunities, please contact or our Senior Public Relations Manager Alliccia Odeyemi at
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