General Information
Roop Xanttopoulos Babounakis & Klam PLLC is dedicated to the practice of family law and related litigation, mediation, collaborative divorce, and alternative dispute resolution in all the counties and courts of Northern Virginia and the District of Columbia.
Located in the heart of Tysons Corner, Virginia, Roop Xanttopoulos Babounakis & Klam PLLC is an award-winning family and divorce law practice that takes a client-centered approach in resolving legal issues effectively and efficiently, while preserving what is good in family relationships. Our firm cares about our clients and their families and employs our specialized skills and resources to serve them. We recognize that divorce and other family law matters can be a traumatic event for our clients and that each family presents unique set of facts to consider. Therefore, we do not treat our clients as just another legal case. Instead, we strive to provide them specialized legal services with dignity, care and respect. The firm is engaged in litigation, mediation and collaborative divorce. The lawyers and staff at Roop Law understand that the divorce of a family is among the most traumatic things that a family will have to endure, and that everyone should be treated with dignity. The lawyers and staff bring experience, empathy, intelligence, talent and personalized attention to every situation.
Roop Xanttopoulos Bababounakis & Klam PLLC is metro ranked in 1 practice areas. Best Law Firms rankings are based on a rigorous evaluation process.
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Practice Areas
- Collaborative Law: Family Law
- Family Law